Helping you remove your fear and change your mindset!
I'M READY TO REMOVE MY FEAR!If your google searches look more like

instead of

Are You Ready to Change Your Mindset and Harness It to Work for You, Rather Than Against You When You Ride?
Is your head holding you back from happy hacking?
Have you tried EVERYTHING to banish pre-competition nerves?
What would you give to be able to remove your fear, hop on your horse and enjoy every step of your ride?

What if I told you that riding without fear is entirely possible for everyone, including YOU?!
Because it is you know… and, for most riders, all it takes is a little mindset shift to banish fear, find the fun and improve your riding confidence.
BUT that doesn’t necessarily mean you can do it alone. Changing your mindset, and I mean REALLY changing it, relies on an in-depth knowledge of the neuro-pathways involved in feeling fear and our psychological & physical responses to it.Â

Do you become a nervous wreck at the thought of hacking out, or maybe you are sick to your stomach before setting off out of the start box (no matter what level you are competing at)?
You KNOW what you are feeling isn’t ok, you see others enjoying their horses every day and, logically, you know you could be doing that too, but you’re not. Something has snuck up and taken over and you can’t seem to beat it.Â
Here’s the thing though…
You know that you are a logical human being, successful in all areas of your life other than in the saddle. It drives you crazy. Logically you know you can ride your horse. You know you can problem-solve. You know you’ve trained tirelessly for this moment. You know that you can sit to a spook or perform clear rounds.
 BUT something inside your head is telling you, you can’t…
That thing is fear.Â
Fear makes you anxious. Fear makes you panic. Fear removes logic. Fear is the thing that is ruining your relationship with your horse.

Now it’s your turn to change your mindset, take back control and banish that fear for good.Â
There are so many ways that fear sneaks into our lives…
Perhaps you don’t feel good enough to ride, or that your horse is wasted with you *spoiler alert – horses genuinely don’t care who rides them as long as they are fed, watered, happy and healthy! *Â
Maybe you find excuses NOT to ride, rather than reasons to hop on board, or you have spent ALL of your money on the latest gadgets, gizmos, supplements, feed, training and advice and STILL you talk yourself out of riding or you simply still aren’t progressing the way you want.Â
It all feels hopeless, doesn’t it?
Whether your fear shows up as a little voice in your head that stops you performing as well as you know you can, or it appears as full-blown, panic-attack-inducing, intrusive thoughts, it is impacting your ability to ride.Â
But it doesn’t have to be that way. Hit the button below if you would like me to show you how.
I'M READY TO TAKE ACTION!What Makes the Rider Mindset Vault a Truly Unique Online Mindset Course?
Dealing with the scientific root causes of your fear, not just focussing on the symptoms you experience, you will find absolutely NO singing, humming, chanting, tapping or breath work in The Vault. When your brain has convinced itself that you are in imminent danger - they just don’t cut it, but the proven, expert techniques housed inside The Rider Mindset Vault, absolutely do.Â
Fully invested in rewiring your brain so that the root causes of your fear can’t, and don’t, sneak back in, The Vault is packed with practical tips and advice as well as effective exercises to do in your own time. There is no point knowing what you “should” be doing, if you don’t know HOW to do it when you really need to.Â
Teaching you how to tap into your parasympathetic nervous system and do the important, mindset-shifting work unconsciously, means that you won’t have to keep remembering to do anything to keep your fear at bay. No doing the hokey-cokey while you ride. Promise!
Unique techniques and methodologies specifically tailored using years of hands-on experience with real life clients - the teachings inside The Rider Mindset Vault are far from the off-the-shelf, generic, wishy-washy basics taught by others, that quite simply just don’t work.
An expert in both Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) AND equestrianism, I have trained to the highest levels in both. The videos within The Vault will guide you through the wisdom, techniques and methodologies I have gathered during years of my own experiences, as well as those with real life clients and not via a generic, free, online mindset training course.
Having spent the last 10 years training my own high-level coaches through my fully-licensed coaching program, I am very aware that mindset work is all about people and not just words on a page. Brains require real life practice to gain a full understanding of what you are teaching them, not just basic theory.
As we all know, horses are not simply pieces of kit. Sports psychologists who don’t understand or specialise in equestrian sports, often struggle with understanding how we work with a being who has its own mind but can’t communicate like we do. But I understand, fully.
An online, self-study, series of videos (with supporting resources), The Rider Mindset Vault will provide you with EVERYTHING you need to completely change your mindset and get clear on what you want, for good. Available to access anywhere, anytime for life.

Less Time and Money Than Your Weekly Riding Lesson
What if I told you that for less than a year’s worth of weekly lessons, there was something that would make it possible for you to hop on board your horse, whenever you want, and feel secure in the knowledge that fear isn’t going to win?
What if I said those illusive top-results aren’t that far away?
What about the feeling of wholeheartedly, WANTING to ride with nothing but excitement filling your head, what if you could get that back?
The creator of The Rider Mindset Vault and I'll be with you every step of the way as we transform your mindset.
Combining over 10 years of experience as a mindset and performance coach, over 12 years of working with riders of all levels, my knowledge and skills as an NLP Master Trainer, I have created a programme that REALLY works.
As a horse lover, rider and high-level competitor myself, I get it. I have had the knots in my stomach as I tacked up, I have spent many mornings not being able to eat before a competition and I have been known to tell myself I’m simply not good enough. But, having rewired my brain and used the techniques included in The Vault, I overcame all of those thoughts and have forged a very successful career both in and out of the saddle. I want to share the knowledge that I have gained with you in the most accessible way possible!Â

My promise to you:
You can genuinely rewire your brain in your own time, at your own pace & from the comfort of your own sofa. No pressure or time limits.
There are no awkward questions or ick-inducing memory-recall sessions.
You can revisit any and all things in The Rider Mindset Vault time and time again – using the bits that work best for you, whenever you need them.
My mindset-shifting methodology is founded upon years and years of research, practical experience and work with some of the top riders and coaches in the world.
Access to The Rider Mindset Vault will cost you less than a year’s worth of your weekly training sessions.
Whether you are grassroots or Grand Prix, happy hacking or high-performance competing – the tools in The Rider Mindset Vault have been created with you in mind.Â
The time you spend in The Vault is entirely dictated by you. Designed to be done at your own pace and at a time that suits your lifestyle, this isn’t like the generic “mindset courses” that are out there.
It’s time to take fear out of the driving seat and claim back your control…
With my support, clients have...
- Conquered fear so great they had decided to quit
- Reached their goals which would previously have only been a dream
- Connected with a supportive network of like-minded riders
- Harnessed the power of their minds and positively impacted not just their riding but their whole lives
- Discovered new passions and said YES to new experiences.
Accessible Support Available Anytime, Anywhere, for You.
Lifetime access to The Rider Mindset Vault is just ÂŁ298 including VAT (you wouldn't think twice about spending that on your horse if they needed it, would you?)
The price gives you access to ALL new videos and future resources added to The Rider Mindset Vault, for good.
If you’d prefer to spread the cost, payment plans are available too - no questions asked.